[][src]Module tray_rust::exec::distrib

The distrib module provides methods for executing the rendering in a distributed environment across multiple machines. The worker module provides the Worker which does the actual job of rendering a subregion of the image. The master module provides the Master which instructs the Workers what to render and collects their results to save out the final image.


The worker process takes very few arguments, just a flag indicating it's a worker and optionally the number of threads to use with -n.

./tray_rust --worker

The worker processes will listen on a hard-coded port for the master to send them instructions about what parts of the image they should render. This is exec::distrib::worker::PORT which you can change and re-compile if the default of 63234 conflicts with other applications.

The master process can be run on the same machine as a worker since it doesn't take up too much CPU time. To run the master you'll pass it the scene file, a list of the worker hostnames or IP addresses and optionally an output path and start/end frame numbers. You can also run tray_rust with the -h or --help flag to see a list of options.

./tray_rust cornell_box.json --master worker1 worker2

The master will send the workers the location of the scene file which is assumed to be on some shared filesystem or otherwise available at the same path on all the workers.

Running on GCE or EC2

You can run on any network of home machines but you can also run on virtual machines from Google or Amazon if you want to rent a mini cluster. On GCE or EC2 you'll want machines in the same region for faster communication and will then pass the local IPs of the workers to the master. For example on GCE you're given a virtual local network, you would use these IP addresses instead of the public IPs of the worker nodes.


pub use self::worker::Worker;
pub use self::master::Master;



The master module provides the Master struct which instructs Workers which portions of the image they should render and collects their results to combine into the final image.


The worker module provides the Worker struct which receives instructions from the master, renders and reports back its results