[][src]Module tray_rust::material::merl

The MERL Material represents the surface's properties through data loaded from a MERL BRDF Database file. The material loads and parses the data then hands it off to its BRDF which will be used to actually compute the surface properties

Scene Usage Example

The MERL material requires a filepath to a BRDF table downloaded from the MERL BRDF Database.

"materials": [
        "name": "oxidized_steel",
        "type": "merl",
        "file": "./black-oxidized-steel.binary"



Material that uses measured data to model the surface reflectance properties. The measured data is from "A Data-Driven Reflectance Model", by Wojciech Matusik, Hanspeter Pfister, Matt Brand and Leonard McMillan, in ACM Transactions on Graphics 22, 3(2003), 759-769