Porting a Ray Tracer to Rust, part 2
Fri Jan 30, 2015
As mentioned in my previous post I spent the past month-ish working on improving both the rendering capabilities and performance of tray_rust. While it’s not yet capable of path tracing we can at least have light and shadow and shade our objects with diffuse or specularly reflective and/or transmissive materials. Along with this I’ve improved performance by parallelizing the rendering process using Rust’s multithreading capabilities. Although ray tracing is a trivially parallel task there are two pieces of state that must be shared and modified between threads: the pixel/block counter and the framebuffer. With Rust’s strong focus on safety I was worried that I would have to resort to unsafe blocks to share these small pieces of mutable state but I found that the std::sync module provided safe methods for everything I needed and performs quite well. While it’s difficult to compare against tray (my initial C++ version) as the design of tray_rust has diverged quite a bit I’ll put some performance numbers in the multithreading section.
During the past month Rust has also seen some pretty large changes and is currently in its 1.0 alpha release with the first beta fast approaching.
ContinuePorting a Ray Tracer to Rust, part 1
Tue Dec 30, 2014
I’ve decided to port over my physically based ray tracer tray to Rust to finally try out the language with a decent sized project. In the series we’ll work through the implementation of a physically based ray tracer built on the techniques discussed in Physically Based Rendering. I won’t go into a lot of detail about rendering theory or the less exciting implementation details but will focus more on Rust specific concerns and implementation decisions along with comparisons vs. my C++ version. If you’re looking to learn more about ray tracing I highly recommend picking up Physically Based Rendering and working through it. Hopefully throughout the series folks more experienced with Rust can point out mistakes and improvements as well, since I have no experience with Rust prior to this series.
With the intro out of the way, let’s get started! Since it’s the beginning of the series this is my first time really working with Rust and our goal is pretty simple: render a white sphere and save the image.