
Mon Mar 11, 2024
Jeffrey M. Perkel published an interesting article in Nature on how WebAssembly is being used in scientific domains which includes a mention of my work.

Sun Oct 22, 2023
Our paper Speculative Progressive Raycasting for Memory Constrained Isosurface Visualization of Massive Volumes won best paper at LDAV 2023

Tue Oct 3, 2023
Our paper on ray tracing spherical harmonics glyphs received an honorable mention at VMV 2023!

Tue Aug 22, 2023
I’ve joined Luminary Cloud as a scientific visualization engineer to revolutionize computer-aided engineering workflows in the browser!

Tue Aug 22, 2023
The pre-print of our paper on speculative progressive isosurface raycasting in the browser using WebGPU is now online!

Mon May 9, 2022
Landon presented our paper on GraphWaGu at EGPGV!

Wed Oct 20, 2021
I served on the IEEE VIS program committee, and again as Tech Chair.

Wed Aug 4, 2021
Ray Tracing Gems II is available now online for free, and includes a chapter by me on demystifying the shader binding table!"

Mon Jun 14, 2021
I served on the EGPGV program committee.

Wed Mar 17, 2021
I’ve successfully defended my PhD dissertation!

Fri Feb 5, 2021
The preprint of our paper IPDPS 2021 paper, Adaptive Spatially Aware I/O for Multiresolution Particle Data Layouts, is now online!

Thu Dec 10, 2020
Our paper extending our work on RTX-accelerated point location, Accelerating Unstructured Mesh Point Location with RT Cores, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics!

Fri Oct 30, 2020
I received a special IEEE award for Meritorious Service for my work on the IEEE VIS 2020 Tech Committee!

Sun Oct 25, 2020
Our paper, Interactive Visualization of Terascale Data in the Browser: Fact or Fiction?, received an Honorable Mention at LDAV 2020!

Mon Sep 7, 2020
The preprint of our VIS paper Efficient and Flexible Hierarchical Data Layouts for a Unified Encoding of Scalar Field Precision and Resolution is now available!

Fri Sep 4, 2020
The preprint of our VIS paper Ray Tracing Structured AMR Data Using ExaBricks is now available!

Fri Sep 4, 2020
The preprint of our VIS short paper A Virtual Frame Buffer Abstraction for Parallel Rendering of Large Tiled Display Walls is now available!

Thu Sep 3, 2020
The preprint of our VIS paper Improving the Usability of Virtual Reality Neuron Tracing with Topological Elements is now available!

Thu Aug 27, 2020
The preprint of our LDAV paper Interactive Visualization of Terascale Data in the Browser: Fact or Fiction? is now available!

Wed Jul 15, 2020
Nate presented our paper Using Hardware Ray Transforms to Accelerate Ray/Primitive Intersections for Long, Thin Primitive Types at HPG 2020, the talk recording is available on Youtube

Sun Jul 5, 2020
The preprint of our HPG 2020 paper Using Hardware Ray Transforms to Accelerate Ray/Primitive Intersections for Long, Thin Primitive Types is now online!

Tue May 26, 2020
Feng’s EuroVis 2020 presentation on our Tree-Based Adaptive Mesh Refinement rendering paper is now online.

Sun Apr 5, 2020
The pre-print of our paper at EuroVis 2020 is now available online here.

Sat Aug 10, 2019
The pre-print of our short paper at IEEE VIS 2019 is now available online here.

Thu Aug 8, 2019
I presented our paper Spatially-aware Parallel I/O for Particle Data at ICPP 2019 in Kyoto.

Mon Jul 8, 2019
Ingo Wald presented our short paper RTX Beyond Ray Tracing: Exploring the Use of Hardware Ray Tracing Cores for Tet-Mesh Point Location at HPG 2019 in Strasbourg.

Thu Jun 6, 2019
I presented our paper Scalable Ray Tracing Using the Distributed FrameBuffer, and Mengjiao Han presented our paper Ray Tracing Generalized Tube Primitives: Method and Applications at EuroVis 2019 in Porto.

Thu May 23, 2019
The pre-print of our short paper accepted to HPG 2019 is now available online.

Wed Mar 27, 2019
The pre-prints of our two papers accepted to EuroVis 2019 are now available online.

Fri Dec 14, 2018
Our paper CPU Isosurface Ray Tracing of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data has been published in IEEE TVCG.

Mon Nov 12, 2018
I presented our paper libIS: A Lightweight Library for Flexible In Transit Visualization at ISAV 2018 in Dallas.

Thu Oct 25, 2018
Feng Wang presented our paper CPU Isosurface Ray Tracing of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data at IEEE VIS 2018 in Berlin.

Sun Oct 21, 2018
I’ll be presenting part of the Topology Toolkit Tutorial at IEEE VIS in Berlin.

Fri Sep 21, 2018
Our paper libIS: A Lightweight Library for Flexible In Transit Visualization was accepted to ISAV 2018!

Wed Jul 11, 2018
Our paper CPU Isosurface Ray Tracing of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data was accepted to IEEE VIS 2018!

Mon Jun 4, 2018
Chuck Hansen presented our paper VisIt-OSPRay: Toward an Exascale Volume Visualization System at EGPGV18 in Brno.

Wed Mar 28, 2018
Sidharth Kumar presented our paper Scalable Data Management of the Uintah Simulation Framework for Next-Generation Engineering Problems with Radiation at SC Asia 2018 in Singapore.

Mon Feb 19, 2018
I’m visiting Argonne National Laboratory for the next two weeks to work with Silvio Rizzi and Joe Insley on our interactive in situ visualization project.

Mon Jan 1, 2018
Our paper A Virtual Reality Visualization Tool for Neuron Tracing has been published in IEEE TVCG.

Thu Nov 30, 2017
Carson Brownlee presented our paper on CPU Volume Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data at the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Symposium on Visualization in Bangkok.

Sun Nov 19, 2017
An article covering our virtual reality tool for neuron tracing appeared in Scientific American.

Tue Nov 14, 2017
Pavol Klacansky and I presented a poster on our virtual reality visualization tool for neuron tracing at the 2017 Society of Neuroscience annual meeting in Washington D.C.

Sun Nov 12, 2017
I gave a lightning talk about our work on Flexible In Situ Visualization of LAMMPS Simulations at ISAV17 in Denver.

Sat Nov 11, 2017
I presented our hands-on tutorial Using OSPRay with Data-Distributed Applications at the 2017 Intel HPC Developer Conference in Denver. A PDF of the slides is available online.

Sat Nov 11, 2017
Silvio Rizzi presented our work on Interactive In Situ Visualization of LAMMPS Simulations with OSPRay at the 2017 Intel HPC Developer Conference in Denver. A recording of the talk and slides are available online.

Tue Oct 3, 2017
I presented our paper A Virtual Reality Visualization Tool for Neuron Tracing at IEEE VIS17 in Phoenix.

Sun Oct 1, 2017
I presented the CPU-based rendering section of the Interactive Visualization of Large Dynamic Particle Data tutorial with Martin Falk, Michael Krone and Guido Reina at IEEE VIS17 in Phoenix.

Mon Jun 12, 2017
I presented our paper Progressive CPU Volume Rendering with Sample Accumulation at EGPGV 2017 in Barcelona.

Mon May 15, 2017
I’m returning for an internship at Intel in Austin with the OSPRay team.

Sat Oct 1, 2016
Our paper In Situ Exploration of Particle Simulations with CPU Ray Tracing has been published in Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations.

Thu Jun 23, 2016
I presented our work on In Situ Exploration of Particle Simulations with CPU Ray Tracing at the ISC Workshop on In Situ Visualization in Frankfurt.

Thu May 12, 2016
I’m starting my summer internship at Intel in Austin, where I’ll be working with the OSPRay team.

Mon May 9, 2016
Our paper VTK-m: Accelerating the Visualization Toolkit for Massively Threaded Architectures has been published in IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications.

Thu Oct 29, 2015
Ingo Wald presented our paper CPU Ray Tracing Large Particle Data with Balanced P-k-d Trees at IEEE VIS15 in Chicago.

Fri Jun 12, 2015
I’m starting my summer internship at Los Alamos National Lab as part of the Data Science at Scale School. I’ll be working with Chris Sewell on the VTK-m project.

Fri Aug 22, 2014
I’m starting my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Utah!