WebGL Volume Animation

Playback and Rendering Controls

Camera Controls

Desktop: Left-click + drag to rotate, scroll to zoom, right-click + drag to pan.
Touch: One finger drag to rotate, pinch to zoom, two finger drag to pan.


You can upload one or more Zip files or upload a text file with URLs to one or more Zip files, with one URL per line. Each Zip file should be an image stack of WebP files.

Better playback speed and volume rendering controls coming soon, along with better on-demand streaming and loading feedback for very large time series :)

Get the code on Github!

Note for Windows Users

If you see crashes, poor performance or high memory use on Windows you can change Chrome's WebGL backend (ANGLE) to use OpenGL instead of DirectX11. This will provide a more direct mapping from the application code to the graphics driver, resulting in better performance and reduced overhead. You can change this flag here by setting it to OpenGL.