[−][src]Module tray_rust::integrator
The integrator module defines the Integrator trait implemented by the various surface integrators used to render the scene with different integration methods, eg. path tracing, photon mapping etc.
Scene Usage Example
The integrator will be specified within the root object of the scene. A type for the integrator along with any additional parameters is required within the integrator object.
"integrator": {
"type": "The_Integrator_Type",
pub use self::whitted::Whitted; |
pub use self::path::Path; |
pub use self::normals_debug::NormalsDebug; |
normals_debug | Defines the |
path | Defines the Path integrator which implements path tracing with explicit light sampling |
whitted | Defines the Whitted integrator which implements Whitted recursive ray tracing See Whitted, An improved illumination model for shaded display |
Integrator | Trait implemented by the various integration methods that can be used to render the scene. For scene usage information see whitted and path to get information on how to specify them. |